Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Venice Bridge

As things are really coming together for this site, the thought came to me that I should share the full photo of the bridge that I use in the masthead, on business cards, etc.

This is the south bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway, one of three bridges connecting Venice Island to the mainland.  All three are draw bridges allowing taller vessels to sail these waters. 

It as my hope that this site will also serve as a great connection for people to Venice.

The building at the base of the bridge is the home of Venice Area Beautification Inc. a non-profit with a mission to make Venice a more beautiful place to live, work. and play.

One of their biggest accomplishments the Intracoastal Waterway Park with walking and biking trails that extend along both sides of the waterway for miles.  The northern island side of the park ends around their building with landscaping, benches, tables, a playground, and public restrooms.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic blog, photos, and info on Venice. I live in Sarasota and love visiting the area, especially the fishing pier. All the best.
